Sinfuldeeds - Legit Norway RMT Comes Over After Date Night FULL

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118187   1 year ago
hotscopes | 67 subscribers
118187   1 year ago
OnlyFans Sinfuldeeds - Legit Norway RMT Comes Over After Date Night FULL

Finally found some time to go on a date with her, I didn't know what to expect, maybe she would give me a blowjob at the restaurant's disabled person washroom or maybe nothing at all depending on how the date went.

Now stakes are at all time high, its either gain a super hot sexy bitch or next time I see her will be awkward. I strategized my game plan and patiently waited till she comes and pick me up.

When she saw me, she was FLABBERGASTED. She said she totally underdressed while I looked like the prince of Asia. She is so kind with her words, and that gave me even more determination that I HAVE to fuck this bitch TONIGHT.

The night went pretty smoothly, I said some jokes I saw online and she loved it, she also spewed a lot of stories about her that I don't remember, I just know my balls was very tender and numb, I just wanted to fuck her so badly that I could almost jerk off right under the table. man...I love white bitches so much.

As we walked out the restaurant door, I grabbed both of her hands, leaned over right next to her ear, as she giggled and was probably expecting me to say something romantic, so I used my mostly manly voice and said..
"wanna Netflix and chill?"

and then what happened that night was....a masterpiece.

Thanks for watching!
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